Nottingham leaders have united to take a stand against hate crime at a special event at the University of Nottingham.
Timed to coincide with the start of National Hate Crime Awareness Week 2018, today’s event emphasised the partnership approach being taken to tackle hate crime.
The ‘No to Hate’ event was organised to reaffirm the partnership’s commitment to tackling prejudice and hatred in all forms, and to send a clear message that there is ‘no place for hate’ in Nottingham.
Today’s photograph shows city leaders holding the ‘Nottingham is No Place for Hate’ signs. A social media campaign will run throughout the week encouraging members of the public to take pictures holding the sign saying ‘No Place For Hate’ and sharing these on social media using #NoPlaceForHate and #NottinghamTogether #NHCAW
Get involved: You can download and customise your sign here.
The following leaders took part in the Hate Crime Awareness event today:
- Police and Crime Commissioner, Paddy Tipping
- Cllr Toby Neal, Portfolio Holder for Community Protection, Nottingham City Council
- Cllr Linda Woodings, Assistant Portfolio Holder for Community Protection, Nottingham City Council
- Janine Smith, Chief Crown Prosecutor, Crown Prosecution Service East Midlands
- Professor Sarah Sharples, Pro Vice Chancellor for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Nottingham
- Professor Eunice Simmons, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Nottingham Trent University
- Nick Murphy, Chief Executive, Nottingham City Homes
- Assistant Chief Constable Kate Meynell, Nottinghamshire Police
- Supt Matt McFarlane, Hate Crime lead for Nottinghamshire Police
- Andy Macey, Group Manager at Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service
- Ruth Hyde, Chief Executive of Broxtowe Borough Council and hate crime lead for the Safer Nottinghamshire Board
- Catherine Conchar, Associate Director Equality and Diversity, Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust
- Andy Hedgecock, Training and Development Manager, Nottingham City Transport Ltd
- Jess Lendon, President, University of Nottingham Students’ Union
- Bradley Fox, President, Nottingham Trent Students’ Union
Nottingham is home to some ground breaking projects on hate crime, leading valuable contributions to make Nottingham a city that is safe for all citizens. The following leaders were present from the voluntary and community sector:
- Wasim Amin, Chair, Nottingham Licensed Taxi Owners and Drivers Association
- Karen Aspley, Nottinghamshire Mencap
- Zaynab Asghar, Nottingham Muslim Women’s Network
- Katherine Cant, Head of Service for Victim CARE, Catch 22
- Michael Henry, Director, Communities Inc.
- Imran Hussain, Hackney Carriage Trade Representative for Unite the Union
- Jabraan Jalil, United Private Hire Drivers’ Union
- Alice Kelk, Fan Engagement Executive at Notts County FC
- Sajid Mohammed, CEO of Himmah and leader at Nottingham Citizens
- Shamas Mohammed, Workforce Development Manager Notts County FITC
- Helen Voce, Nottingham Women’s Centre
Councillor Toby Neal said: “Nottingham is a great place to live with vibrant, diverse communities. We are proud of this diversity and of the spirit of our communities and citizens. We believe that we have more in common than that divides us and that our differences are to be celebrated. We want to send out a strong message that there is No Place For Hate in Nottingham and we invite everyone to join us.”
Paddy Tipping, Police & Crime Commissioner, said: “There is no place for hate-fuelled crime, intolerance, persecution or discrimination in a modern and diverse society. Bigotry is never acceptable and ignorance is no excuse. I would like to encourage anyone suffering from this type of behaviour to come forward.
“We know that the number of hate crime incidents reported to the police is just the tip of the iceberg and that many victims, especially young people, simply put up with the situation probably due to fear of exclusion. The only way of resolving this is to increase confidence in our support mechanisms and justice process to encourage more vulnerable victims to come forward and this is very much a priority in Nottinghamshire.”
Kate Meynell, Assistant Chief Constable at Nottinghamshire Police, said: “Nobody should be made to feel afraid, intimidated or threatened because of who they are. Nottinghamshire Police will not tolerate hate crime of any kind and we will treat any report extremely seriously. I’m proud to be here today to reiterate the message that Nottinghamshire is no place for hate.”
Professor Sarah Sharples, Pro Vice Chancellor for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Nottingham said: “Diverse communities are strong communities and hate crime of any sort has no place in society. Our University community celebrates tolerance, respect and diversity in all its forms and is pleased to back this campaign to ensure there is ‘No Place for Hate’ in the city we are proud to call home.”
Nick Murphy, Chief Executive of Nottingham City Homes, said: “It is important we support this initiative and work alongside partners to tackle hate crime. Backing the ‘No Place for Hate’ pledge and working with people from across the city is the only way we are going to make a real difference. At Nottingham City Homes, we work closely with different people across different estates and we will continue to spread the message that hate will not be tolerated in our city or our neighbourhoods. Everyone has the right to feel safe where they live”
Ruth Hyde, Chief Executive of Broxtowe Borough Council and hate crime lead for the Safer Nottinghamshire Board, said: “We’re proud of track record of working in partnership across the City and County to tackle hate crime and we are sending out a strong message that there is no place for hate in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.”
‘No Place For Hate’ Summit
On Friday 19th October, 11am – 1pm, a ‘No Place For Hate’ Summit will be hosted by One Nottingham and Nottingham Citizens at the Royal Concert Hall. The summit will highlight the valuable and innovative work taking place in Nottingham to tackle prejudice, and is aimed at helping organisations, businesses, schools and other institutions to explore how they can play a role in tackling prejudice and hate.
There will be an opportunity to hear from those affected by hate, as well as from those making valuable contributions to tackle it.
Tickets are available at
Throughout the week numerous community events will take place to bring people together and get people talking about hate crime. Social eating events, coffee mornings and community groups will be giving out information on hate crime and spreading the word that Nottingham is no place for hate.
Details on community events for Hate Crime Awareness Week: