After a difficult eighteen months for job seekers in Nottingham, the city council are proud to be returning to Bulwell in September to support unemployed residents to find work. The news is especially positive after the council’s employment service, Nottingham Jobs, postponed their regular job fairs in 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
With funding partners Rebalancing the Outer Estates Foundation and People’s Postcode Trust, and support from Public Health England, Nottingham North Jobs and Healthy Living Fair will take place on Thursday 16 September on Bulwell Market.
The fair comes at a time when competition for jobs has become tougher than ever and employees who have been furloughed prepare to return to work or search for alternative careers. The fair also offers young people who are looking for their first job after leaving education to find out more about six-month Kickstart placements which are an excellent way to gain paid work experience, gain work-related skills such as teamwork and communication, and prepare themselves for working life.
In recognition of the challenges that people are facing coming out of the pandemic, Nottingham Jobs and partners are also able to support people of all ages to brush up on interview skills, get help finding and applying for jobs, build their confidence, and find out about the many employers who are recruiting right now.
Stalls on Bulwell Market will offer visitors an opportunity to meet with recruiting employers and ask for advice from the Nottingham Jobs service as well as free health checks and advice to help them live healthier lifestyles will also be available at the fair and nearby Bulwell Riverside.
This year’s event will be held outdoors to provide a safe environment for job seekers and employers to meet, it will also feature timed entry and other Coronavirus safety measures including free hand gel and social distancing.
Bulwell Market was also selected as the venue as a familiar location within easy reach of local communities and those travelling to Bulwell on foot and by public transport, it is also easy to travel to on the tram by buying tickets from the NETGO! app.
Nottingham Jobs staff invite residents of any age who are looking for work, a change career or to apply for their first full-time job after leaving education, to come along to the friendly and accessible fair to find out about the variety of job types on offer with local employers of all sizes.
The addition of a healthy living fair will offer all residents free blood pressure and blood sugar checks, plus advice about becoming more active in their daily lives. The fair will feature a quiet hour as well as support for anyone who is experiencing loneliness or has a mental health condition.
Visitors to the fair can expect a friendly and relaxed environment in which to search for a role to suit their lifestyle and skills and speak with employers and training providers who are there to help them on their journey into employment.
How to attend this year’s fair:
Nottingham North Jobs and Healthy Living Fair will be held on Bulwell Market on Thursday 16 September from 9:30am to 2:30pm.
To limit the number of people entering the fair, a booking system has been set up using Eventbrite.
Visitors only need to click on the link and enter a valid email address to book a place to suit them. Time slots are available from 9:30am to 1:30pm with a quiet time, with further reduced entry, between 1:30pm and 2:30pm.
Visitors can book more than one ticket so are encouraged to book for family or friends who may not have email addresses. Anyone without an email or finding it difficult to complete their booking, can contact Nottingham Jobs on 0115 876 4508 for assistance.
This popular event has already attracted 23 employers with job vacancies available right now. Variety is a strength of the fair with jobs available in care, warehousing, retail, hospitality, parcel sorting and the emergency services, from major employers such as Amazon, Boots, Castle Rock, Coop, DHL, NHS and Nottinghamshire Police.
Community organisations based locally, including those from the European Union funded Nottingham Works 4 You project, specifically for those aged 16 to 24, will also be coming along to spend time with people who are looking for advice and support preparing for work, balancing employment with family commitments or who are looking for training or returning to work.
Nottingham North MP Alex Norris says; “This Jobs Fair has been a fixture in our community for many years and has led to many local people securing work and training opportunities. I’m delighted that we have been able to bring back the fair this year with Covid safety measures in place.
“This year the charity I chair, Rebalancing the Outer Estates Foundation, is providing even more support to local constituents, as the fair will also provide expert advice about health living in addition to support for job seekers. Longer term good health, happier relationships, managing challenges and sustainable employment are so important to giving people a higher quality of life and I hope that everyone who comes along can start to build a happier, healthier future as a result.”
Councillor Rebecca Langton, Portfolio Holder for Skills, Growth and Economic Development, says; “Nottingham City Council has worked hard during the last eighteen months to respond to what has been an extremely difficult time for people of working age in the city.
“Since March 2020, it has been a priority for us to support residents when it comes to finding job opportunities and support, including skills workshops, mentoring, Kickstart placements and apprenticeships, as well as tailored advice for people who have faced redundancy because of the pandemic.
“It really is great to see that our many experienced employment partners are able to offer a physical jobs fair at this critical time, and it is also testament to the resilience of local employers, who contribute so much to our economy, that they are able to offer such a wide range of roles for people to apply for.”
Local job seekers are also being encouraged to register on the new Nottingham Jobs website to find out about the latest job vacancies, apply online and sign up for job lists by email.
The Nottingham North Jobs and Healthy Living Fair is supported by The People’s Postcode Trust, Rebalancing The Outer Estates Foundation and the European Union, through the European Social Fund (ESF).