Multi-ethnic group of business persons standing side by side

Some of Nottingham’s key employers have come together to publish their pay gap reports in one place, in time for this year’s national Equal Pay Day today (November 18th).

Nottingham City Council, which is hosting the information on its website, has recently published pay gap reports around the gender and ethnicity of its workforce. This follows legislation introduced by Government in 2017 requiring organisations with 250 or more employees to report annually on their gender pay gap.

The gender pay gap shows the difference in the average pay between all men and women in a workforce. This can help organisations to take action where necessary and encourage conversations around diversity.

In Nottingham, organisations that have taken part this year in publishing their pay gap data are the council, Nottingham City Homes, Nottingham City Transport, Nottingham University Hospitals, Nottingham Trent University, the University of Nottingham, Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue, Nottinghamshire Police, Eon, Boots and Browne Jacobson. All their pay gap reports are available to view here:

Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods, Safety and Inclusion, Cllr Neghat Khan, said: “The City Council is committed to ensuring our workforce is representative of the community we serve. We want to attract and retain talented employees from a wide range of backgrounds and with diverse skills and experience to operate as effectively as possible.

“We are pleased and proud to stand alongside other local employers who are taking significant steps to identify and address the causes of pay gaps.”

Equal Pay Day is a national campaign led by the Fawcett Society in the UK. More information here: