Nottingham City Council has published data that shows the number of people who have tested positive for Covid-19.

For the first time today (17 July) all local authorities are highlighting the number of confirmed cases across different neighbourhoods and communities in a Covid-19 Surveillance Report. These are broken down into two types:

  • Pillar 1: people who have tested positive for Covid-19 who were tested because of clinical need – such as people in hospitals – as well as health and care workers
  • Pillar 2: people who have tested positive for Covid-19 from the wider population

The latest data for Nottingham City for 21 February to 12 July 2020 shows a decline in confirmed cases of Covid-19. The report can be read here.

Data is published with a week’s delay and is listed by Middle Super Output Area level – the data is mapped by population areas defined by nationally-set statistical geography, not all the areas will line up with how they are known locally and they do not represent the Council Wards. Areas with fewer than seven cases will not be shown to protect the anonymity of people who have tested positive.

Publishing the data allows local authorities to have better insight into where Covid-19 cases are occurring, as part of their lead role in Local Outbreak Control Plans that will respond to ‘spikes’ in the spread of the virus. As well as geographical areas, this would include responding to spikes in cases in schools, hospitals and care homes.

As part of local outbreak control arrangements, a team meets daily to review information about new cases to identify where further investigation or action is required. The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Covid-19 Protection Board and the Nottingham City Covid-19 Outbreak Control Engagement Board will monitor the data.

Alison Challenger, Director of Public Health in Nottingham City, said: “Having access to local data is important for us to monitor Covid-19 cases across the different neighbourhoods and communities of Nottingham. Publishing this data means that people can have a better idea of how many people have tested positive in their area.

“Nottingham City Council is committed to working with partners to monitor Covid-19 and to be ready to respond if any outbreaks occur. We can make the best decisions for our local citizens based on our local knowledge and expertise.”

Cllr Sally Longford, Deputy Leader of Nottingham City Council and Chair of the Nottingham City Covid-19 Outbreak Control Engagement Board that will oversee the planning, said: “Preventing the spread of Covid-19 will continue to be a team effort. I’ve been proud of the way that Nottingham’s communities, partners and businesses have worked together during the pandemic.

“So far Nottingham has not seen the levels of Covid-19 experienced in other parts of the country. That is down to the way everyone has played their part in helping to manage the outbreak by staying home, staying safe, hand-hygiene and observing social distancing. We need everyone to continue to help us with this to keep our city and its people safe.”

The best steps to prevent the spread of Covid-19 are:

  • Maintain social distance
  • If you’re out in our city, keep left on pavements and pathways
  • Wear a face covering in shops and on public transport
  • Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds
  • Self-isolate if you have symptoms and get tested for Covid-19

The Nottingham City Outbreak Control Plan – as well as a range of other advice on Covid-19 – is published on the City Council website here: