Nottingham marked World Book Day in style today (Thursday 7 March) with events in libraries and schools. Thousands of children across the city dressed up in imaginative costumes and took part in fun book-themed activities.
Children at Robin Hood Primary School celebrated as they won new books for their library. The Bestwood school saw off competition from every other school in Nottingham as they achieved the highest number of children taking part in the ‘Big Monster Hunt’, a free fun activity in all Nottingham libraries designed to encourage more children to love reading.
Councillor David Mellen visited Robin Hood Primary to read with two classes and give the school their prize bundle of books. Pupils returned an amazing 112 activity sheets – meaning that almost a quarter of the children in the school completed the ‘Big Monster Hunt’ challenge.
Councillor David Mellen, Portfolio Holder for Early Years & Early Intervention, said: “It’s official that Robin Hood Primary has won the Big Monster Hunt challenge, beating every other primary school in the city. A huge well done to all the children and their families. It’s great to see so many youngsters taking part in fun reading activities.
“Research shows that the job you’ll get, and how much you’ll earn, all compares to how much reading you do as a child. Our message is loud and clear, if you’re a big reader, you’ll go on to have a big future!”
Henry Overton, the Deputy Head of Robin Hood Primary said: ““We love reading at Robin Hood and we want all of our families to regularly visit local libraries.”
At Nottingham Central Library, close to 100 Year Three children from Mellers Primary School and Stanstead Primary School celebrated World Book Day during an action-packed day, including:
- Author Jonathan Emmett read the children a swashbuckling tale of dastardly pirates and mysterious monsters
- Children designed their own book cover or book character out of Lego
- A visit to Five Leaves book shop where the children exchanged their World Book Day book voucher for a £1 World Book Day book
- Enjoyed the ‘Million Miles an Hour’ show with poet and entertainer Nick Toczek
Councillor David Trimble, Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Localities, said: “It’s great to see our libraries hosting fun events to bring books to life for so many children. We are proud to have maintained a network of local libraries throughout Nottingham at a time when so many other cities are being forced to close them. We’re also ambitious to develop a new central library and make it the best children’s library in the country. We believe encouraging children to read is one of the most important things we can do to help them get the best start in life.”