A new Customer Charter has been launched by Nottingham City Council underlining the authority’s commitment to putting citizens and customers at the heart of everything it does.
The new Charter sets out expected standards for service delivery to help ensure the Council offers a consistent approach to how it responds to customers.
A series of workshops were held with customers and employees to establish what was really important to people and how the Council could commit to providing services that make a difference.
In the Charter, the Council makes three key commitments to customers:
Make it happen – focusing on the quality and timeliness of service delivery; how the Council treats customers whilst accessing services and keeps to promises made.
Make it easy – making services and information easy to access, whether online, face to face or via the website.
Make it better – continually improving services using customer feedback, building on what the Council does well and addressing areas of concern.
The Charter also includes three ‘asks’ of customers: to treat Council staff as they would like to be treated; give correct information, notifying the Council if things change and to offer ideas for improvement.
Councillor Alan Clark, whose Portfolio includes customer services, said: “We want to provide a high level of service, regardless of the way a customer chooses to interact with us, whether by phone, online or in person. The Charter sets out in a clear and simple way what our commitments are to customers and what they can expect from us.
“We very much welcome and encourage customer feedback and want to work with people to ensure that we are prioritising the right things that putting their needs are at the heart of everything we do.
“Work is taking place with service delivery teams at the Council to establish measures that need to be put in place to clearly demonstrate how they are meeting the commitments made in the Charter for their areas of work.”