Parents and carers of children in Nottingham city who are due to start primary school in September 2019 have just one week left to apply for their child’s place.

Anyone with children born between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015 must fill in an application form to apply for a school place before Tuesday 15 January 2019.

Applications made after the deadline will get lower preference than those made on time.

It is also important to use all preferences, including the child’s catchment school, to help improve the likelihood of securing a preferred choice. Applying to just one school by using only one preference does not increase your chance of getting a place at that school.

The quickest and easiest way to apply is online but parents can also apply using a paper form. Applying online also means that you will hear the outcome of your application on the National Offer Day 16 April, or a few days later with paper applications.

For help with applications, contact the school admissions team by email, or by telephone 0115 841 5568, or online