With winter on its way, the Winter Service Team at Nottingham City Council is making its final preparations for colder weather.
Three thousand tonnes of salt have been delivered, 200 neighbourhood grit bins are fully stocked and citizens may have already seen the drivers out on the routes on trial runs.
There are five main grit routes in the city which cover 276 miles of Nottingham’s 500 miles of roads. The team keeps a keen eye on the Met Office forecast and is ready to go when the road temperature reaches freezing. In times of severe weather the council’s first priority is gritting the main roads to keep Nottingham moving.
There is a flexible workforce in place so when bad weather comes, employees from frontline services across the council can be redeployed to clear snow and ice in areas of high footfall such as district shopping areas, schools and in and around the city centre.
For further information about our gritting routes and grit bin locations please visit our winter service page at www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/winter.
Councillor Nick McDonald, Portfolio Holder for Business, Growth and Transport at Nottingham City Council, said: “Planning for the winter weather is something that goes unnoticed until the bad weather arrives. Behind the scenes a lot of detailed work goes into making sure that the City Council has a robust plan to deal with winter weather in a sustainable way. Although we have managed recent poor winters well, we are not complacent and every year we review the service and seek to make further improvements.
“Our priority is to keep people informed – the council uses a number of ways including social media and email alerts to provide daily updates about road and pavement conditions and council services affected by the weather.”
Keep up-to-date with the council’s Winter Service activities so the snow and ice don’t slow you down more than necessary. To find out what’s happening you can use the following services:
Sign up for our daily Winter Service email updates at
- www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/stayconnected
- Twitter – @nttmcitygrit
- Facebook – facebook/NottinghamCityGritting
- Regularly updated online information at www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/Winter