This March, domestic abuse prevention charity Equation is running a bold campaign in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire that could help people save their friends from the harm of domestic abuse. Ordinary City residents will be given tools to recognise if someone close to them is experiencing abuse, and to help their friends reach expert support.

Equation is running the #HelpAFriend project using an attention-grabbing social media and print campaign, and several promotional giveaway events. We hope the campaign will increase the number of women accessing the local 24-hour domestic and sexual violence helpline (0808 800 0340), which receives over 10,000 calls each year.

Sophie Maskell, Campaigns Coordinator, says: “Many people experiencing domestic abuse find it difficult to report what is happening to professional support agencies, which means a huge number of survivors are not receiving any help.

“Their friends and family, who are ordinary people like you and me, can make a huge difference. They are very well-placed to spot the warning signs of abuse, and to help friends or family access support that can keep them safe and well.”

Cllr Toby Neal, Portfolio Holder for Community Protection, said: “Equation’s innovative campaign can teach people to spot the signs of abuse and know how to help. We hope to build the tools and confidence of everyone in the local community to tackle domestic abuse. Together Nottingham can help women who are being hurt or controlled by their partners.”

If you are worried that your friend is being hurt by her partner, ring the 24-hour domestic and sexual violence helpline to find out how you can help: 0808 800 0340. The helpline is run by Women’s Aid Integrated Services; find out more at

You can also find out more about how to support a friend or family member on #HelpAFriend’s dedicated campaign webpage:

Equation is a proud partner of Women’s Aid’s national ‘Change That Lasts’ pilot. The pilot’s ‘Ask Me’ scheme is creating local teams of Community Ambassadors to raise awareness of domestic abuse and create safe environments so that survivors feel able to speak out. Find out more at