A recent survey of the trees in the Lime Tree Avenue in Wollaton Park has identified that 20 trees urgently need replacing because they are dying or diseased. This work will begin on Monday 13 July.
The survey, conducted in late June 2015 by experienced arboriculturalists, has identified an additional number of trees also suffering from disease and decay but to a lesser degree. These trees will be re-surveyed later in the autumn and further works will then be prescribed.
Lime Tree Avenue, which runs next to the golf course towards the rear of Wollaton Hall, has historic importance for its connection between the eastern gatehouse and the main hall. The avenue also provides vehicle and pedestrian access to the park. The recent survey fully recognises the need to manage this historically significant avenue of trees with sensitivity and care. Within this context, the Council must prioritise the interests of public safety and swiftly remove trees which pose a risk of branches falling on passing pedestrians and vehicles.
The number of trees to be felled is being kept to an absolute minimum. This initial tree work forms the start of an ongoing programme to deal with dead, dying or diseased trees within the avenue. As part of this programme the Council will aim to regenerate the avenue by replanting new lime trees along its line.
The affected trees may provide habitats for both bats and birds, and, in order to minimise any impact on the local ecosystem, Nottingham City Council’s tree service will be working with a qualified ecologist throughout the works.
The initial tree work starting on Monday will be completed in time for Splendour Festival on Saturday 18 July, when thousands of festival goers will be on site at Wollaton Park to enjoy the Specials, James, Indiana and other artists.
Councillor David Trimble, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture said “It is always sad to see historic trees felled but we must prioritise public safety, and the 20 trees identified for felling are heavily diseased and cannot be saved. We are ensuring that the number of trees felled is kept to an absolute minimum and we will be planting new trees to replace them, helping to conserve this historically important avenue for future generations to enjoy.”