Consultation on Nottingham City Council’s latest budget proposals gets underway next Tuesday 17 December and will run until Monday 13 January.
A number of engagement events are planned to promote the consultation. The first of these is a public meeting at the Council House on Thursday 19 December from 5.30pm to 6.30pm, where councillors and senior managers will present an overview of the budget proposals and answer questions from the floor. No registration is required to attend this event, however spaces are restricted to 100. Doors open at 5pm and early arrival is advised to secure a seat.
More information about the budget consultation, including details of other engagement events and how to take part in the budget consultation survey will be available following a meeting of the Council’s Executive Board on Tuesday 17 December at which the consultation will be formally launched.
You’ll be able to find everything you need to take part in the consultation at or ask at your local city library branch for more information, including for hard copies of the budget survey form.
Speaking about the budget proposals, Council Leader Councillor Neghat Khan said: “The proposals are about getting our house in order and putting the Council on a sustainable financial footing
“We know that the people of Nottingham want a council that gets the basics right and delivers the best local services we can afford, while also looking to the future so the city reaches its full potential.
“As a council, we continue to face huge pressures in caring for the elderly and disabled, supporting families and looking after children in our care and homelessness. Together these pressures are squeezing out other services.
“Taking the tough decisions to lead the city forward doesn’t mean we can’t afford to be ambitious. It means we can’t afford not to be.
For more information on the proposals is available at My Nottingham News