Nottingham City Council has prepared a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) setting out how it will involve the local community and other interested parties when consulting on planning applications and producing planning documents, such as the Local Plan.

When adopted, the SCI will replace SCIs previously adopted by the council in November 2019, and June 2020 when an interim SCI which contained temporary amendments in response to the restrictions associated with the COVID 19 pandemic.

The draft SCI largely includes many of the pre-Covid consultation techniques as well as links to the Community Engagement Guide, which sets out the city’s ambitious aspirations for public involvement in design and planning processes.

An SCI provides clarity on the extent of community involvement that will take place. It sets out clear consultation procedures and base standards the council will follow, stating who the council will consult with, how they will be consulted, and when.

Councillor Pavlos Kotsonis, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Planning, said: “I am delighted to endorse the council’s Statement of Community Involvement and approve it for consultation.

“The preparation of this Statement is required by law and this draft document replaces the previously adopted version. It includes many of the pre-Covid consultation techniques as well as links to the Community Engagement Guide, which sets out the city’s ambitious aspirations on public involvement in design and planning processes.

“This document is a key part of the council’s overall approach to community engagement and sets out, in a user friendly and easy to read way, how we will involve the community and other stakeholders in planning matters.”

Consultation on the draft document is open from Monday 15 August for an eight-week period, until 10 October 2022, for people and organisations to have their say.

For more information and to make comments please visit: