Free garden waste collections in Nottingham are set to be extended into November by the City Council next year after a consultation found the vast majority of people were in favour of the idea.
Over 1,000 people responded to the consultation with nearly 92% supporting an option to offer garden waste collections into November in 2019, with one collection a month in both October and November rather than every other week.
Currently the collection of garden waste bins takes place every two weeks from the beginning of April until people’s last recycling bin collection day in October.
Councillor Sally Longford, the Council’s Portfolio Holder for Energy and Environment, said: “Many councils charge for garden waste collections but we have managed to carry on providing a free service to Nottingham city residents despite major reductions in the overall funding we get from Government.
“Previous feedback we’d received indicated that people wanted garden waste collections to be extended to help with clearing up leaf fall. The consultation has now confirmed that.
“A big thank you to everyone who took the time to take part in the consultation. The overwhelmingly positive response demonstrates just how much people value the free service.”
“We know some people would be keen to see an extended service even further throughout the whole year. Unfortunately the budget limitations we have mean we’re not able to offer this at the present time. Also, we know that demand for garden waste collections in winter is considerably lower in winter.
“However, we’ll continue to monitor the situation and consult again if circumstances mean we’re able to consider extending the service further in future.”
Look out for your new bin collection calendars which will be distributed with your copy of the Council’s Nottingham Arrow magazine and local neighbourhood newsletter in late November. You can also sign up for our email service which will send you a reminder of which bin to put before each collection day. Find out more at
As well as the collection service, there are alternative options for managing garden waste including home composting and other disposal facilities for green waste such as the Household Waste and Recycling Centre on Redfield Road in Lenton: