The City Council is looking at the need for roadworks to proceed around the city on a case-by-case basis while Highways England continues to carry out repairs to Clifton Bridge for the rest of the year.
The council initially suspended all but emergency works as part of a range of measures to ease pressure on the city’s road network. However, as Highways England announced last week that some lane closures may remain in place on the A52 over Clifton Bridge until the end of the year, this is no longer sustainable.
The council had already started to allow off-peak lane closures for some works around the city, and now needs to allow other works to proceed, with all changes monitored and kept under review.
Some essential utility works that have been given the go-ahead involve gas and electricity improvements on Canal Street. These will get underway on Monday 2nd March when Western Power and Cadent Gas resume essential upgrades to electrical supply and gas mains on Canal Street. The council is working with Western Power and Cadent Gas , who are undertaking renewal and expansion programmes in the area, so that the two companies coordinate their works and reduce the amount of time on site to minimise traffic disruption. Teams will work on site on an extended timeline of 7am-7pm to complete the works in a shorter time than initially proposed.
- There will be lane closures on the outbound side of Canal Street between Carrington Street and Castle Boulevard, but two-way traffic will be maintained
- As the work progresses, traffic from Castle Boulevard heading up Maid Marian Way or into the NCP Car Park at the bottom of Maid Marian Way will be diverted via Greyfriar Gate.
Access to Maid Marian Way and Collin Street will be maintained at all times.
Councillor Adele Williams, Portfolio Holder for Local Transport, said: “While Highways England continue their work on the A52 Clifton Bridge, we have agreed we will allow essential works like these in Canal Street to take place around the city. Now that we know it could be the end of the year before Highways England concludes its bridge repairs, we have no alternative but to allow other works to take place in around the city, in ways that cause the least possible traffic disruption.
“Western Power and Cadent have been very understanding of the impact the A52 works are having on the city and have agreed to shorten their programmes to help us manage these challenges, for which we are very grateful.
“We will continually monitor these works and any potential disruption they cause through our Traffic Control Centre, making interventions as necessary, and continue to work with partners at Nottinghamshire Police and the County Council to deal with the impact of Highways England’s works. We completely understand how disruptive the works have been and we’ll do all we can to keep Nottingham moving while these and other works are underway.”

People are encouraged to consider using public transport to make their journeys wherever this is possible – check out for options.