Nottingham City Council will soon be carrying out road improvement works on Beckhampton Road, Bestwood. The works will be located at the junctions of Elmbridge and Bestwood Park Drive. The work will begin on Monday 11 July and continue until 24 July.
The work will take approximately two weeks week, and will be carried out between the hours of 7.30am and 4.30pm.
To enable the road works to be carried out safely a road closure and parking restrictions will be required. Bus diversions will be in place at all times but other traffic will be managed by temporary traffic management measures such as two way lights. The council will ensure that residents always have access to their property, although there may be short delays.
For more information about the works or to discuss special access requirements call 0115 915 2000.
Councillor Nick McDonald, Portfolio Holder for Business, Growth and Transport, said: “This scheme forms part of the City Council’s highway maintenance programme and the work being carried out will ensure that Beckhampton Road continues to be safe for all road users. We would like to thank people for their continued patience while works continue on our roads.”
“Nottingham has one of the best integrated transport systems in the UK and proactive road maintenance works like this play a vital part in keeping the traffic moving, making roads safer and improving journey times. This is important for drivers, businesses and public transport.”