Nottingham City Council is extending its scheme to provide extra financial support to residents for food and energy bills this winter through the Household Support Grant.
More than £1.5million is being pledged towards a package of vouchers for Nottingham residents who receive Council Tax Support.
The first wave of vouchers was given away in December and saw more than 7,500 people benefit from £100 supermarket vouchers and 4,000 people claim energy vouchers worth £49.
The second wave of the campaign offers:
- Supermarket e-vouchers (one £50 voucher)
- Energy bill e-vouchers (two £49 vouchers worth £98)
Free School Meal holiday e-vouchers (worth £15 per pupil per week) are also being made available through schools.
As in December, there are a limited number of supermarket and energy bill e-vouchers that will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. People who successfully applied for a £49 energy voucher in December will automatically get another £49 voucher in this round of applications and need not apply again. People who received the supermarket vouchers in December are welcome to apply again this time. The second allocation of e-vouchers will end at midnight on 31 March 2022.
The City Council has secured the funds from the Government’s Household Support Grant.
Cllr Sam Webster, Portfolio Holder for Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources, said: “Everyone is worried about the rising cost of living and soaring energy bills – but these hard times are felt most keenly by those who are already struggling to cope.
“I’m pleased that so many people came forwards to claim the vouchers towards their food and heating bills in December. This may help, in some small part, to alleviate the anxiety they are feeling around their finances.
“While I would urge people to come forward for this new wave of vouchers, we need sustainable solutions which give people opportunities to lift themselves out of poverty and keep pace with the rising cost of living. Temporary support grants are welcome but a more sustainable solution must be found to tackle inequality in the longer term.”
People can check whether they are eligible for Council Tax Support here:
Apply for the Household Support Grant here: