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People interested in discovering more about fostering in Nottingham are invited to a series of online events.

As part of the annual Foster Care Fortnight campaign, which starts on Monday with a theme of #WhyWeCare, staff will be on hand to provide information and answer questions about opportunities to provide a loving home for a child in the city.

‘Virtual’ events will take place on most days over the next two weeks, either at 11am or 7pm, and no appointment is necessary. People can pick a day and log in for a chat about what the role entails, with full details available at www.fosteringnottingham.comor by calling 0115 876 3335.

The Council’s fostering service is always looking for people to become foster carers. There are currently more than 650 children in care in Nottingham looking for a family where they can feel safe and flourish.

Councillor Cheryl Barnard, Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, and a foster carer herself with Nottingham City Council, said: “People who join our fostering community make an enormous difference to the lives of the children they look after – often they perhaps don’t realise how much.

“Most young people who come into foster care have faced significant challenges in their lives, and some may have been neglected or abused. The nurturing homes offered by our carers provide those children with the stability and love they need to achieve great things in their lives. Something as simple as just being there for them, always dependable and on their side, has such a positive effect.

“We have had to adapt during the pandemic in terms of the way we work, but the number of children in care continues to rise and we greatly appreciate people showing an interest in fostering during this time. 

“The current situation means that unfortunately we can’t yet hold information events in person, but I’d urge anyone who’d like to find out more to pop the kettle on and join one of our virtual sessions where we’ll be able to answer any questions they might have.”  

Foster Care Fortnight is the UK’s largest foster care awareness-raising campaign, delivered by The Fostering Network. Established in 1997, it showcases the commitment, passion and dedication of foster carers. It also supports fostering services like Nottingham City Council to highlight the ne​ed for more foster carers. People can find out more about fostering with the City Council at or by calling 0115 876 3335. Or find the fostering team on Facebook by searching for @fosteringnottingham.