On Wednesday 4 December 2019 the fourth Disability History Month Partnership Conference will take place at Nottingham Council House. Disabled people and stakeholders have been invited. The partners involved are:
- Nottingham City Council
- Nottinghamshire County Council
- Notts Fire and Rescue Service
- Nottingham City Homes
- Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
- City Care
UK Disability History Month is an annual event to focus on disabled people and its aims are ‘Celebrating our lives, Challenging Disablism and Achieving Equalities’.
The national UK Disability History Month theme this year is: ‘Disability: Leadership, Resistance and Culture’, and we have followed this theme to showcase our local leaders, identifying our Conference, ‘Disability: Leading by Example’.
We have some inspirational speakers and performers joining us. Anne Darby, the Chair of the NCC Disability Involvement Group and representing Notts Deaf Society and will host the event. There will be uplifting songs from the Evergreen disability Choir and lunch will be provided by Pulp Friction, a social enterprise working to support adults with learning disabilities and/or Autism.
Cllr Eunice Campbell-Clark, Portfolio holder for Equalities, said: “I am extremely proud to be attending the Disability History Month Partnership Conference for what will be a wonderful Celebration of Lives, Challenging Disablism and Achieving Equalities.
“We have made tremendous steps to engage with the wider disabled communities since the first Disability History Month launch in 2016 and many engagements take place across the city with our partners during the month. I welcome such engagements and am delighted to support them.”
Please follow @commequalities for photos and updates during the event.