Nottingham City Council has met with Nottingham College about its planned closure of the nursery at the College in Basford and the impact this will have on local families and staff members. Speaking after the meeting, Councillor Jon Collins and Nottingham North MP Alex Norris issued the following statement,
“Despite our meeting with Nottingham College there appears to be little willingness on their part to withdraw their proposal to close the nursery at Basford Hall. We are disappointed at their unwillingness to reconsider their decision and heard little today to change our view that this is an entirely unnecessary decision and will ultimately be to the detriment of learners needing this kind of support in north Nottingham.
“We also share a wider concern in the direction currently being taken by the college as it appears to be moving away from the principle of offering support to all learners of all abilities but instead towards a narrower model of education which will be unable to fully address the needs of learners in the City.
“We are keen to build a consensus between Council, the College and local representatives about how best to provide further education in Nottingham and how the full range of learners can be supported to achieve their potential. This can only happen however if Nottingham College is willing to withdraw the proposed closure of Basford Hall Nursery and reconsider the support offer it makes to those City learners who need it most.”