Nottingham City Council has launched a consultation on its plan to apply for powers which allow it to enforce some moving traffic offences.

A recent change to Government legislation gives councils new powers to improve road safety by using automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras to enforce moving traffic offences. Nottinghamshire Police currently enforce moving traffic offences, and the proposed change will allow the force to focus on other policing priorities.

The new powers cover several offences: 

  • Incorrectly driving into a bus lane 
  • Stopping in a yellow box junction 
  • Banned right or left turns 
  • Illegal U-turns 
  • Going the wrong way in a one-way street 
  • Ignoring a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). 

Using road safety reports, historical data, officer intelligence and citizen engagement, the council, following consultation with Nottinghamshire Police, is proposing four locations where these new powers would be useful.  

Nottingham City Council would welcome citizens’ views on these locations, as well as input on other locations that should also be considered, before 30 November 2022. The proposed locations are: 

  • Maid Marian Way at its junction with Friar Lane – No U-Turn (southbound to northbound). U turning traffic is in direct conflict with a green man pedestrian phase creating a significant risk of fatality or serious injury
  • Sheriffs Way/Queens Road at its junction with Arkwright Street – No Left/No Right Turn into Arkwright Street. Turning vehicles are in direct conflict with a green man pedestrian phase creating a significant risk of fatality or serious injury 
  • The section of Shakespeare Street from its junction with Goldsmith Street in an easterly direction for 110 metres (the block paved pedestrian friendly area). Vehicles travelling through an area of high pedestrian activity create a significant risk of serious injury to other road users 
  • The section of Victoria Embankment from a point in line with the suspension bridge in a north-westerly direction for around 240 metres. Vehicles travelling through the recreational area in front of the war memorial create a significant risk of serious injury to other road users. 

If the plans are approved, civil enforcement will initially be introduced at these using Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera technology. Penalty Charge Notices of £70, reduced to £35 if paid within 21 days, would be sent automatically to drivers who break the law at these locations. 

Nottingham City Council’s Portfolio Holder for Highways, Transport and Parks, Councillor Audra Wynter, said: “I welcome the Government’s decision to change the regulations to allow civil enforcement. Currently only the police can enforce moving traffic offences, but it’s not a priority for them. Motorists who ignore these restrictions can pose a real danger to the most vulnerable road users, so we must act to protect them.

“I hope people will have their say on this important consultation, and also let us know what other junctions or areas of our road network also need improved safety measures.”  

Tell us your views in one of the following ways: 

  • Complete the online survey  
  • Email us at 
  • Write to us at Moving Traffic Offences Consultation, Transport team, 3rd Floor, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham NG2 3NG 

Please tell us your views by midnight on 30 November 2022. 

Responses to this consultation will be considered by Nottingham City Council. If go-ahead is given, the Council plans to apply for these enforcement powers to the Department for Transport (DfT) early in 2023. 

If awarded the powers, we expect to be able to introduce them in Autumn 2023.