Nottingham is preparing to welcome more people back as pubs and restaurants and other hospitality services can start to re-open from this Saturday (July 4) – with the council urging caution.
The city has already started to carefully and safely reopen as non-essential shops went back to business last month and the Government eased lockdown restrictions.
New arrangements are in place to keep everyone safe, such as signs reminding people to keep their distance, keep left on pavements and pedestrianised areas, and to wear a face covering on all public transport and in enclosed public spaces.
The City Council is working with the Nottingham Business Improvement District (BID), retailers and other local businesses, providing support and advice to ensure pubs, restaurants, cafes, hotels and other hospitality and entertainment services in the city centre and neighbourhood areas can successfully and safely start to reopen from Saturday.
Changes that have been put in place include providing additional space for pedestrians, customer queuing and outdoor seating areas. People should also be prepared for pre-booking of tables, one-way systems being in place, fewer seats being available and restrictions on entertainment.
- When inside, each household / support bubble can meet socially with one other household / support bubble as long as they socially distance.
- When outside, two households / support bubbles can meet. In addition you can meet in groups of up to six people from different households. Social distancing must be observed.
- Many premises are only accepting people who have booked places due to lower than normal capacities. Check before you leave your home.
- Use hand sanitiser or handwashing facilities as you enter the premises. Continue to wash your hands regularly.
- You must maintain a social distance from anyone who is not in your household.
- If you have any symptoms of coronavirus then you must stay at home and get tested.
- Please remember to drink responsibly and avoid putting any additional strain on the emergency services and the NHS.
- Consumption of alcohol on the street is prohibited by the provisions of a Public Spaces Protection Order so please only drink alcohol in a licensed premise or its outdoor seating area.
To support the safe return of businesses in the Hockley area of the city centre, traffic flows will be restricted on Broad Street and Heathcoat Street, providing more space for pedestrians, social distancing and outdoor trading throughout the entire area.
The temporary restriction of vehicle access apart from between the hours of 6am and 11am is proposed to remain in place until 31st December 2020, but this will be subject to national advice regarding COVID-19 and wider Government policy on travel and social distancing, and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Portfolio Holder for Growth and the City Centre, Cllr Sam Webster, said: “There will be a phased opening of pubs and bars over the coming days in Nottingham with many businesses requiring customers to pre book prior to arrival. Capacity at many venues will be limited so it will not be business as usual for some time. People should check the arrangements and opening times before they head out.
“I’d urge people to be cautious and sensible and not place additional strain on the emergency services or the NHS.
“We know people will be looking forward to visiting pubs, bars and cafes – and we’re pleased to see them reopening and see businesses able to trade once again. But of course things aren’t fully back to normal and we all need to bear in mind that the virus is still prevalent which means we need to proceed cautiously and safely. People must continue to keep their distance from each other, keep left while walking through city streets, keep hands washed or sanitised and consider wearing a face covering.”
For further information on how to enjoy the city safely, including an interactive map of where is open for business, click here:
For further information on travelling into the city and getting around safely whether driving, walking, cycling or using public transport, visit
For more information on parking, go to