A plan which sets out Nottingham City Council’s priorities and ambitions for the start of a new decade has been published.
The Council Plan for 2019-2023 was signed off by councillors at a City Council meeting today (11 November). A resolution had previously been passed by the Council in May adopting the policies outlined in the Plan.
The Plan includes five key objectives:
- Build or buy 1,000 Council or social homes for rent
- Create 15,000 new jobs for Nottingham people
- Build a new Central Library, making it the best children’s library in the UK
- Cut crime, and reduce anti-social behaviour by a quarter
- Ensure Nottingham is the cleanest big city in England and keep neighbourhoods as clean as the city centre
In addition, the Plan outlines the wide range of statutory responsibilities the Council has as well as making a total of 185 pledges under five key headings:
- Nottingham People – support for children, young people, students, families , older people, education and health
- Living in Nottingham – making Nottingham clean and green, improving transport, housing and providing opportunities
- Growing Nottingham – developing neighbourhoods and the city centre, creating jobs and training opportunities and supporting businesses and inward investment.
- Respect for Nottingham – tackling crime and anti-social behaviour and supporting strong local communities
- Serving Nottingham better – improving council services and promoting equality.
The Plan makes a commitment that the Council will work in partnership with local organisations and businesses; take a customer focussed approach to services; be more business-like to cut costs and maximise income; and use new digital technology to improve services.
In their foreword to the Plan, Council Leader, Councillor David Mellen and Chief Executive, Ian Curryer, say: “In this plan, we set out our priorities for 2019-23 with the aim of improving our great city while keeping citizens at the heart of everything we do. It is about the future of our city for all who live, work, study, invest and visit here. We will use this document to lead the plans and decisions we make over the next four years.
“Our goal is for Nottingham to be an internationally successful and prosperous city that offers its residents the opportunity to realise their potential. Nottingham will be a thriving, sustainable city both socially and economically. We will work with our partners and communities to ensure vulnerable citizens are supported to live independently and are safe from harm.”
To find out more about the latest Council Plan, visit www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/councilplan2019-23