Nottingham City Council is reopening more services following
the latest Government announcement on the further easing of COVID 19 lockdown
A range of services have already re-opened which many citizens have already benefited from – such as the Household Waste and Recycling Centre, bulky and garden waste services, pest control and Woodthorpe Grange Plant Shop.
From Monday 6 July, the City Council will begin to re-open more services, such as outdoor playgrounds and outdoor gym equipment, a phased re-opening of some library services, and the Queen’s Drive Park and Ride (for the number 49 only).
City Council Leader, Cllr David Mellen, said: “We have closely followed national guidance on when services can reopen during the COVID 19 pandemic. While it is important we re-open services to benefit our citizens and the city, we know it is vital to do this as safely as possible to protect services users as well as our staff.
“We have very robust processes in place to assess how services can reopen and be delivered as safely as possible. Due to these, some services will have certain restrictions and some will have phased re-openings across the next few months.
“We thank our citizens and members of the public for their patience with service re-openings and hope they understand the importance of following restrictions during this time. We hope during the next few weeks we can look to re-start more services in line with the latest Government guidelines.
“Citizens and members of the public are advised to keep up-to-date with the latest service re-openings via our webpage –”
Services that have reopened recently include:
- Playgrounds and outdoor gyms
- Libraries (phased)
- Heritage sites (phased)
- Queen’s Drive Park and Ride
- Parks activities (inc cafes)
- Household Waste and Recycling Centre
- Bulky Waste
- Pest control
- Garden maintenance and garden waste
- Woodthorpe Grange Plant Shop
- Bulwell Hall golf course
- Outdoor markets
- Staffed public toilets in Greyhound Street off the Old Market Square, and in Bulwell.
- Some city schools to years one and six