The government have introduced a number of changes from 1st June, including changes to shielding measures. We recognise that the pandemic has not gone away, and so these changes can be a source of anxiety and / or confusion for people. We hope the information below provides a helpful roundup of what you can and can’t do.

Please remember that, in order to keep the rate of infection down, people still need to be very cautious and stay at home, wherever possible.

Full government guidance is available here:

Changes in what you can and can’t do

From Monday 1st June you CAN:

  • spend time outdoors, including private gardens and other outdoor spaces, in groups of up to six people from different households, following social distancing guidelines
  • visit car showrooms and outdoor markets
  • early years, reception, year 1 and year 6 children are able to return to some schools and nurseries which have taken the decision to reopen
  • if you are an elite athlete as defined by this guidance, train and compete using the specified gyms, pools and sports facilities you need – which will, in the coming weeks, we hope enable others to watch live sport on TV.

At all times, you should continue to adhere to strict social distancing guidelines when you are outside your home, particularly ensuring you are two metres away from anyone outside your household.


  • visit friends and family inside their homes
  • stay overnight away from your own home, except for in a limited set of circumstances, such as for work purposes
  • exercise in an indoor sports court, gym or leisure centre, or go swimming in a public pool
  • use an outdoor gym or playground
  • gather outdoors in a group of more than six people

If you are showing Coronavirus symptoms, or if you or any of your household are self-isolating, you should stay at home – this is critical to staying safe and saving lives.

Changes to shielding measures for people who are extremely vulnerable:

Shielding measures remain in place until 30th June. However, on 31st May, the shielding guidelines in England were eased slightly. People who have been advised to shield can start taking steps to spend time safely outdoors if they choose to.

Going outside isn’t mandatory and if you don’t feel comfortable going outside, there’s no reason to do so. It might help to discuss the decision with your GP or hospital clinician.

The government has updated its guidance for children and adults who are clinically extremely vulnerable, including organ recipients, cancer sufferers and those with severe respiratory conditions.

A roundup of the latest shielding advice is below, and the full guidance is available on this government website:

  1. If you wish to spend time outdoors (though not in other buildings, households, or enclosed spaces) you should take extra care to minimise contact with others by keeping 2 metres apart.
  2. If you choose to spend time outdoors, this can be with members of your own household. If you live alone, you can spend time outdoors with one person from another household (ideally the same person each time).
  3. If you decide to spend time outdoors please continue to: wash your hands regularly, maintain social distance and avoid busy places and gatherings of any size – including gatherings of friends and families in private gardens, or parties, weddings and religious services.
  4. You should strictly avoid contact with anyone who is displaying symptoms of COVID-19 (a new continuous cough, a high temperature, or a loss of, or change in, your sense of taste or smell).

The government is currently advising people to shield until 30 June 2020 and is regularly monitoring this position.

Registering as an extremely vulnerable person

If you have registered with the government, as an extremely vulnerable person, you can:

  • get a weekly box of basic supplies
  • get priority for supermarket deliveries
  • ask for help meeting your basic care needs

You can register with the government online at or call 0800 028 8327.

If your circumstances change, and you no longer need the weekly box of supplies, you should update your information using the same contact details. However, if you want to continue to have preferential supermarket delivery slots you cannot cancel your government weekly box of supplies.

Support is still available in Nottingham

Please be assured that a range of support continues to be available for people in Nottingham. If you are self-isolating, and have no other means of support, you can call the Council.

We can collect medical prescriptions for you and, for a small charge, a food parcel can be delivered to your door – parcels continue to be free for extremely vulnerable people in shielding measures. Simply call the Council’s Customer Hub on 0115 915 5555. This line is open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday or you can complete the online form at

The information below is available in alternative formats including plain text, British Sign Language and different language translations:

If you would like more than a food parcel, including the opportunity to see a friendly face, please consider buying our Meals at Home service. This service provides single person and family food options as well as vegan and vegetarian meals – everything can be delivered frozen ready for you to cook at home or hot meals can be delivered daily by our friendly staff – just call 0115 876 1847 or visit

Please also call our Customer Hub on 0115 915 5555 if you would like to be put in touch with teams of trusted volunteers who can offer support such as dog walking or telephone calls to people who may be feeling lonely or isolated. Thank you.