The road and bus diversions for the Broadmarsh Car Park bridge removals have been confirmed.
Collin Street and Maid Marian Way southbound at its junction with Friar Lane, heading towards Collin Street, will be closed on Friday 5 and Saturday 6 January from 8pm, reopening at 8am the following day.
The diversion for cars will be marked on the night, and will be:
Northbound Upper Parliament Street – South Sherwood Street – Shakespeare Street – Mansfield Road – Bluecoat Street – Huntingdon Street – Lower Parliament Street – London Road – Queen’s Road – Queen’s Bridge Road – Waterway Street West – Wilford Street.
From the west, drivers are advised to either head north up Maid Marian Way and join the diversion route above, or from Castle Boulevard, turn right at Castle Bridge Road, at the end of the road turn left on to Queen’s Drive, turn right on to Waterway Street West, left on to Sheriff’s Way, straight on to Queen’s Road and on to London Road from the traffic lights at the end of the road.
Nottingham City Transport and trentbarton have announced their bus diversions for the night. More information can be found on their websites:
Nottingham City Council scheduled the work to take place after the festive period to minimise the impact on people visiting the city, but apologises for any inconvenience caused.