A multi-agency partnership is working together to give over-grown banks in St Ann’s a new lease of life.
The first of nearly 62,000 plants will be planted on Monday 2 March to ensure that the visual appearance of the banks is improved for local residents to enjoy. Local Ward Councillors, Cllr Sue Johnson, Cllr Dave Liversidge and Cllr Jon Collins have worked with local residents on the project.
Nottingham City Council and Nottingham City Homes have teamed up to prepare the banks and plant approximately 5,000 plants a week until completion at the beginning of June.
The area comprises 36 banks with 123 individual bank sections on a total of 13 roads. These are to be planted with 4 shrubs per square metre and 4 ornamental plants per individual bank section. Four shrubs species, Rubis Tricolor, Vinca Minor, Cotoneaster Coral and Hedera Hibernica, and one ornamental species, Phormium will be planted across St Ann’s Flower Estate and Rushworth Estate.
Cllr Nicola Heaton, Portfolio Holder for Community Services at Nottingham City Council, said: “This is a fantastic example of partners coming together to improve an area for the benefit of the local community. The banks have previously had a detrimental impact on the area due to their untidiness and poor appearance.
“The plants chosen are varying in colour so will make a great difference to the landscape in the area and we hope residents enjoy the improvements made.
“This scheme is a great example of partnership working between Nottingham City Homes and Nottingham City Council to deliver the Decent Neighbourhoods initiative making our communities great places to live.”