Age Friendly Nottingham is holding its annual Older Citizens’ Ageing Well Day on Tuesday 11 June, 10am to 3pm, in the Council House.
Citizens, their families, carers and those who support older people across the city are invited to learn more about services that are on offer to people as they grow older. The Sheriff of Nottingham, Councillor Patience Ifediora, will officially open the event at 11.15am.
The day is supported by Nottingham City Council, Age Friendly Nottingham and Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire.
Councillor Eunice Campbell-Clark, Nottingham’s Older Citizens’ Champion, said: “Age Friendly Nottingham highlights the importance of older citizens having fulfilled lives and being able to continue to play an active role in their local communities.
“Our Ageing Well Day is very much about promoting the services on offer in the city and highlighting who and what can support older people to help them maintain their independence. For the first time this year the Dining Room in the Council House will showcase local dementia services and Advantage Mobility equipment.”
Nottingham City Council launched the Older Citizens’ Charter in 2014, which sets out the city’s aims to improve the quality of life and promote the independence of older residents. Age Friendly Nottingham brings partners and older people from across the city together to implement the Charter.
Over 330 retail, community and voluntary premises in the city have signed up to Take a Seat which aims to support the independence of older people. Take a Seat raises awareness of how older people sometimes struggle to go out because there isn’t enough seating available for them to rest. They know that a venue is taking part when they see a ‘We Are Age Friendly’ sticker displayed in windows or on doors. People can also find out who is signed up by going to the Take a Seat webpage.
A third of older people are identified as lonely. Sadly, many become isolated because they find it increasingly difficult to walk from their homes to local shops and community venues such as libraries. One of the biggest problems is that there is no seating for them to rest. Loneliness can also lead to depression and mental decline.