The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of the American police has rightly ignited anger not just in the USA but around the world. Here in Nottingham, we recognise and share this strength of emotion and we will all stand in solidarity with people across our communities, and beyond.
We’re extremely proud that people of different backgrounds get on so well together in Nottingham and this is something we should all be proud of. We see first-hand the importance of our neighbourhoods, their cultural identities and the people who live and work within them. But we can never be complacent and recognise that racism and hate crime are still an ugly part of our society.
Over the past 11 weeks, we’ve all made huge sacrifices to slow the spread of infection and although the restrictions in lockdown have been eased, we still collectively face the threat of Covid-19. This is disproportionately born by BAME communities so ahead of the Black Lives Matter protest this weekend we urge all those planning to peacefully protest to do everything they can to protect themselves by socially distancing and wearing a mask to reduce any risk that this protest contributes to the spread of coronavirus. Whether you’re attending in person or supporting from home, we know that our city is standing together in solidarity.
Councillor David Mellen, Leader of the Council Councillor Rebecca Langton, Portfolio Holder for Communities