Nottingham City Council’s Greener HousiNG’ scheme is coming to Lenton Abbey and the Nobel Road estate in Clifton South to provide external wall insulation.

Greener HousiNG is a major neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood scheme to provide city-wide energy efficiency measures to make Nottingham homes warmer, more energy efficient and cheaper to run. This scheme started in Clifton in 2013 where thousands of hard-to-heat solid wall properties received external wall insulation.

This next phase of the scheme is being delivered in collaboration by Nottingham City Council (NCC), Nottingham City Homes (NCH), Nottingham Energy Partnership (NEP) and NCC approved contractors. In these two areas the insulation work will be free of charge to Nottingham City Homes tenants and is being offered at less than normal market costs to private home owners. There are a limited number of grants available for owner occupiers towards the costs of the work. If you are an owner occupier in these two areas please call NEP on 0300 688 08 08 before 10th July 2015 to discuss your grant options.

It is estimated that external wall insulation can cut the amount of heat that escapes through walls by up to 40% – saving around £400 per year on an average energy bill.

Lilian Greenwood, Nottingham South MP has welcomed the news that the Nottingham Greener HousiNG external wall insulation scheme is to be rolled out to residents living in Lenton Abbey and on the Nobel Road estate. In 2014 the Nottingham South MP led a high profile campaign to ensure that the scheme in Clifton continued, after the Government significantly reduced the targets placed on energy companies to reduce their environmental impacts through supporting domestic energy efficiency programmes.

Speaking yesterday Lilian said:

“Every time I’m in Clifton, residents tell me that the insulation is making their homes warmer and cutting their bills – by up to two-thirds in some cases.

“In both Lenton Abbey and Nobel Road, there are still a large number of solid wall properties that cost a small fortune to heat and which will really benefit from this work.

“One of my election pledges was to work towards getting this scheme rolled out to other parts of the city, so I’m delighted that we’ve secured the funding needed to expand the scheme to these areas.”
Cllr Clark Nottingham City Council’s Portfolio Holder for Energy and Sustainability

I’m really pleased that this next phase of this scheme is underway. The Greener HousiNG scheme has been introduced to help make substantial savings on citizens’ energy bills; interventions such as solid wall insulation also make the homes look more attractive. We have secured huge discounts for home occupiers and I encourage all qualifying homes owners and Nottingham City Homes tenants to take part.

For further information please contact Ruth Stallwood, Nottingham City Council Communications Team on 0115 876 2900 or by email